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Our Vision

My Sister's Keeper envisions a world where you, as a Christian woman, regardless of your background or life experiences, stand united with peers. Through collective strength, accountability, support, and spiritual growth, the aim is to foster positive change in your life and create ripple effects within the seven mountains of influence. Here, every woman is heard, empowered, and uplifted.

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Our Mission

My Sister's Keeper commits to building a profound sense of community among Christian women. Driven by faith, love, unity, and accountability, this platform ensures you receive the support, empowerment, growth opportunities, connections, and accountability that you deserve.

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Our Story

The birth of "My Sister's Keeper" stems from a heartfelt revelation. Jessica Grace, a devoted Christian TV Host, Singer, and Author, found herself in conversations that unveiled a profound commonality among her close girlfriends. Each woman, in her unique journey, encountered challenges both in life and career that ushered in feelings of exhaustion, grief, solitude, anxiety, and fear.

Despite the differing stories, the underlying sentiment remained consistent: a deep-seated desire for true sisterhood. A safe haven where they could confide, seek guidance, find encouragement, and most crucially, hold each other accountable. A space where giving up on dreams—be it for family, business, or career—wasn’t an option, not with a band of supportive sisters by one’s side.

Thus, "My Sister's Keeper" was born. A community not just inspired by personal experiences but crafted to fill the void many Christian women felt. It's more than just a network; it’s a sanctuary where dreams are nurtured, faith is strengthened, and sisterhood is celebrated.


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Membership Options

Membership (FREE)

  • Access to the Facebook Community

  • Zoom Meet-ups

  • Daily Prayer Calls (Weekdays)

  • Monthly Local Event Updates

  • Access to Selected Recorded Webinars

Premium Membership ($20/mo)

  • All Community Membership Benefits Plus Exclusive Business Support Sessions

  • Priority Access to Challenges (i.e. Book Writing, Weight-loss, Business Growth Challenges, & More!)

  • Access to Premium Webinars

  • Discounts on Local Events

  • Members-only Content

  • Priority Customer Support

Membership Tiers


  • Inspiring Speakers

  • Life & Business Panels

  • Worship & Prayer

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Vendor Participation


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